Yesterday I informed you about a very sad and tragic event that happened in American Buffalo. Jamey 14-year student committed suicide this week because it bullied at school for being gay. The report of this sad and learned Lady Gaga, who was an idol Jameyho and especially her album Born This Way helped him with his very difficult life. Lady GaGa wrote about this tragedy on my Twitter and promised to meet with U.S. President to combat bullying in schools. Lady Gaga last year managed to abolish the law DADT, hopefully, it will also be reduced due to bullying in American schools only:
Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 years old, married life, because he bullied. Bullying has become illegal. It's a vile crime. "
I have a meeting with our President. I will continue the fight. That must end. Our generation has the power to stop it. Trendujte this # MakeALawForJamey "
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