понедельник, 19 сентября 2011 г.

Will Lady GaGa Release 'Scheiβe' As Her Next Single?

According to latest reports, yet it seems that Lady Gaga has decided that as his next, already the fifth single, great song choice "Scheiβe"! Recently, I inform you that in November Gaga going to Germany for another promotional tour. Today it is clear that on November 5 will perform in the popular show "Wetten, dass ...?" and will be there to promote new single. Reportedly in Germany and other video shoot - and what else could it be, than just "Scheiβe". Lady Gaga at the weekend met with some of his fans in New York and said to them literally said:

"You know what, I prefer to learn German to understand the meaning of my next single ..."

A few weeks ago, however, quite seriously wrote that the next single from the album Lady Gaga Born This Way to the song "Bloody Mary", and he wanted Perez Hilton, because they think it's the perfect song for Halloween. Recently, but in fact it looks like it fits that the choice of the song "Scheiβe" which nám v Gaga remix podobě introduced in January as the first demonstration of the new album materiálu.

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